SSL Certificates
Provides a more secure environment for visitors who elect to make a payment to you directly through your website. We include purchase, setup, and maintenence in this price.
$75.00 per year
Cart Integration
If you sell a large variety of products or services through this website, you may require a more extensive store than the one included with your website. On request and an interview to determine your needs, we will provide you with firm pricing.
Starting at $2500.00
Flash, blogs, stores, databases, PHP, PERL, Javascript... If you need it done, we can do it for you!
$75.00 per hour Quoted on Request
Dynamic intros and page content. Indispensible for applications where a rich, interactive, or multimedia user experience is desired.
Quoted on Request
Graphics Packages
Have existing printed materials you'd like integrated into your design and content? We can also create an entire identity package to integrate your "real world" and online marketing programs.
Quoted on Request
Changes To Existing Websites
Even if you're not hosted with us, we're available to help you keep your website crisp, clean, and ready for action.
$75.00 per hour Quoted on Request
Blog Integration
Blogs can be an excellent forum for communicating with your audience. We'll help you, whether you want it self contained on your website or you'd like to use hosted blogging with another company.
Quoted on Request
SEO Optimization
Get spotted for your keywords of choice on the search engines. This varies widely based on the number and popularity of the words you want to use. We'll do the research to determine your optimal budget.
Quoted on Request
Search Submission
We submit your website on a regular basis, to a variety of search engines, to help you attain a position that will increase your traffic.
Starting at $99.00/mo.
Adword Campaigns
Google receives a high percentage of all searches on the Internet. Their AdWords program provides a place for you to "bid" on a position in those searches. We can tailor a program to fit you, and design it to grow as you become comfortable with it. We can provide not only the initial AdWords campaign, but any mirror sites that might be needed to hone in on a specific keyword set. We will quote you a firm price, based on either a certain number of clicks to your website, or by the lead.
Quoted on Request
Email Marketing
Email is one of the most cost-effective methods of reaching your audience. We can help you build that audience, and then communicate with them on a regular basis to get and keep their existing business, and also keep you in the forefront of their thinking when they come across a referral that may be of interest to you.
Quoted on Request