Although the most common questions are answered below, please
feel free to contact us with any additional questions.

General Questions

How much does a "Lawyer Website Today" web site cost?

Why should I use "Lawyer Website Today" for my web site?

What is included in this service?

Can I use a domain name I already have to build my Lawyer Website Today web site?

Where do I go if I have questions, comments, or suggestions?

How much does a "Lawyer Website Today" web site cost?

The cost of a "Lawyer Website Today" web site is just $795 to get you started with a custom designed website, domain, and email, and then only $20 per month, billed to your credit card, for ongoing hosting, maintenance, and "Webmaster-On-Demand" service.

Why should I use "Lawyer Website Today" for my web site?

Lawyer Website Today has a lot to offer, including:

  • "Webmaster-On-Demand" service to immediately address your needs.
  • We provide you with a professionally designed website, tailored to represent your business in the best possible light.
  • A fully functioning web site can be launched in less than two weeks!
  • No HTML or design experience needed.  You simply provide the info you'd have to provide to a web designer anyway, in any format you like; from Word or Excel, via Fax, or even over the phone during your interview or follow up conversations.
  • Easy to have multiple domain names pointed to your "Lawyer Website Today" web site.

What is included in this service?

You receive all of the following:

  • All the email accounts you need to support your practice
  • All the pages you need to serve your clients
  • Customer Support- via telephone, fax or email.
  • Hosting

Can I use a domain name I already have with my "Lawyer Website Today" web site?

Yes.  Even though we do provide a domain name for your new website with us, if you already own a domain name, you will want it to point to this website.  You can easily have your existing domain name pointed to your "Lawyer Website Today" web site, by simply setting it up through the DNS system at your registrar.  Use these two nameservers; and  This can be a confusing process, so please don't hesitate to contact us if you need help.  There's no additional charge for this feature.

Where do I go if I have questions, comments, or suggestions?

Lawyer Website Today offers telephone (317-514-7517), fax (800-816-7413), and email ( support to our customers. Please see our Contact page for support information.

Getting Started

How do I get my "Lawyer Website Today" web site started?

How long will it take to create my web site?

Do I need HTML or design experience?

How do I get my "Lawyer Website Today" web site started?

You can feel free to begin sending information immediately via email or fax.  You can fill in our "Free Consultation" form to have one of us call you to gather the information for your site.  Just let us know what is convenient for you and we will try to accommodate your needs.

How long will it take to create my web site?

After our initial conversation, which should take only ten to fifteen minutes, our first draft of your new website should be ready for your viewing and discussion in four to seven business days.  Depending on how many things need to be changed, the site would be ready to post in approximately five more working days.

Do I need HTML or design experience?

No.  You never have to even touch your computer if you don't want to, other than to view the site for critique and feedback to assist us in getting it just right.

Technical Questions

What features are included with my "Lawyer Website Today" web site?

Can I have pictures on my web site?

How long will it take before other people can view my site on the Web?

How do I get my web site to show up on search engines?

How do I get an existing domain name pointed to my new site?

What features are included with my "Lawyer Website Today" web site?
Each of our web sites offers the following features:
  • Page storage as required to present your business to the fullest
  • As much Bandwidth as needed for your visitors to view your information, download forms and handouts, and communicate their needs back to you.
  • Email accounts for each associate and support person in your organization.
  • Unlimited Email Forwards
  • Unlimited Email Autoresponders
  • FREE Domain name!
  • Personal access to your own Webmaster
  • Automatically gather leads and capture email addresses from the forms on your website for future marketing efforts.

Can I have pictures on my web site?

Yes.  Each page can have pictures to help get your message across, and slideshows can be added to better illustrate any of your products or services.

How long will it take before other people can view my site on the Web?

Your web site can be viewed immediately upon your approval and assignement of a domain name.

How do I get my web site to show up on search engines?

If you'd like to work on getting your website into the search engines on your own, we recommend starting with the three major engines, Google, Yahoo, and MSN.  We would be happy to provide you with a firm quotation to achieve a certain position in the search engines, or price per lead.

How do I get an existing domain name pointed to my new site?

Simply login to your domain registrar and enter our DNS in the nameservers boxes.  They are and  Then notify us so that we can update our nameservers to help the rest of the Internet find you.  Any questions, please contact us.